• 221, Venus Royal Hyde, Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar-751010, Odisha

Manufacturer and Supplier of EOT Cranes

ELESTAR CRANE SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. is an ISO 9001:2015 accredited company. We specialize in providing design, manufacturing, and site services for EOT cranes. We manufacture EOT Cranes, Gantry Cranes, Goliath/Gantry Cranes, and JIB Cranes. With over 15 years of experience in the field, Elestar offers standard or customized EOT crane solutions for all your heavy lifting requirements using the latest technology.


Special Features of Cranes

  • Lightweight and compact construction, minimizing building loads and saving space.
  • Suitable for all kinds of workshops.
  • All gear drives are made in Germany and lubricated for lifetime.
  • Overload limit switches available as an option on hoist as well as cross-travel drives.
  • Extremely low noise levels during operation.
  • Dual disc asbestos-free DC brake designed for first adjustment after 1 million cycles.

Single Girder EOT Crane

Single girder cranes consist of a single bridge girder supported on two end trucks. They have a trolley hoist mechanism that runs on the bottom flange of the bridge girder. Single girder bridge cranes generally have a maximum span between 6 to 15 meters with a maximum lift of 5-15 meters. They are used for light to moderate service and are cost-effective as standby cranes (not frequently used). The total cost of single girder cranes, including crane components, runway structure, and building, is low.


Double Girder EOT Crane

Double girder cranes consist of two bridge girders supported on two end trucks. The trolley runs on rails on the top of the bridge girders. Double girder cranes are faster, with maximum bridge speeds, trolley speeds, and hoist speeds. They are useful for a variety of applications, ranging from infrequent, intermittent use to continuous operation. They can lift up to 100 tons of weight and are ideal for situations requiring extreme hook lift, as the hook can be pulled up between the girders. They are highly suitable for applications requiring walkways, crane lights, cabs, magnet cable reels, or other special equipment.


JIB Crane

Pillar-mounted JIB cranes are designed as self-supporting units, mounted either on the floor or foundation. This design helps withstand bending stress without boom deflection. The pipe is reinforced with heavy base gussets mounted on heavy base plates, and the jib head is constructed of two heavy side plates with reinforced plates.


Under Slung EOT Crane

Elestar Under Slung Cranes are designed in accordance with IS codes for EOT cranes for design, manufacture, erection, and testing/commissioning. Under Slung Cranes consist of single or double bridge girders supported on two end carriages, which are hung below gantry girders made of I-sections. They have a trolley hoist mechanism that runs on the bottom flange for single girders and the top flange for double girders. These types of cranes are used in automobile industries, injection molding shops, packaging shops, and under civil buildings, among others.
